I am fairly new to the aquarium hobby, this is my first community tank , I’ve only had a Betta fish and a snail before for a year before I set up this tank.

It’s stocked with 2 Honey Gourami, 11 Neon Tetras and 5 Kuhli Loaches.

I had it cycling for 2 months before adding the Neons and they were fine until a week after I had them one died, I checked the water and it was fine (0 Ammonia,0 Nitrite , 0 Nitrate), rest of the fish acting normal and didn’t see any signs of a disease in the dead or living ones so assumed it was a freak accident.

A month later I got the Honey gouramis and had no problem and than a month after that the Kuhli Loaches. They all seemed fine until two weeks later I just found one of the Loaches dead at the bottom, all other fish looked fine, checked water etc and couldn’t find anything wrong I was wondering if it is normal to have some die off.

I just wanted to check as these are the first fish I have had die off relatively soon after buying them my Betta fish in my other tank and the rest in this one seem to be completely fine so I am a bit confused wondering if there’s anything it could be I haven’t thought about.

Posted by CryptographerKey5984

1 Comment

  1. Neons aren’t exactly the hardiest fish and can be very picky about their water and are very sensitive to stress, might have just been a single freak accident and not too much to worry about

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