So I got a bit eager with the rescaping of my guppie tank, and the allegedly washed playsand does not seem very washed. After a couple of hours it is still pretty cloudy, so I’m hesitant to put the fish back in. Can I keep them overnight in this bucket (15 – 20L)? There’s 20 guppies, 2 kuhli loaches and 2 plecos. I have an air pump and heater running in there. All help appreciated 🙂

Posted by Maleficent_Advisor90


  1. jooooooosper9 on

    Playsand can be very hit or miss, made this mistake before so I always wash mine excessively

  2. AquariumDreamers on

    They should be fine for the time being, I’ve done something similar when rescaping a tank, having a filter in the bucket would be ideal if it’s gonna be anything longer than 3 days.

    Additionally, don’t add your fish righth away when you set up your tank! Do the substrate and plant the plants, then leave the light on 24/7 for 2-4 weeks, this will allow bio film to establish and ensures water stability which is critical in fish health.

  3. GreenMachine1919 on

    Perfectly fine – my quarantine / hospital tanks are all buckets and bins.
    For the tank, try a 100% water change, then look at adding some polyfill or a fine sponge around the intake of the filter – not so dense that water can’t pass through, but dense enough to filter the small particles. You can remove it when the water is clear, typically in 1-3ish days.

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