I have a newish tank (3 months) and when I bought two plants from my LFS, they must've had snails or snails eggs on them. From what I could tell there are two types: bladder snails and Malaysian trumpet snails.

While the population is exploding, this is a 10 gallon planted tank that only houses my Betta. I guess my main concern is- will the snails hurt my fish? I fully intend to control the population of need be. If they aren't harmful though, I don't mind letting them stay. Honestly the bladder snails are kinda cute.

Pictures included for second hand identification and of my lil guy as a bonus. His name is Tidelord.


Posted by Princely-vince


  1. Some people hate snails, some people don’t! It’s really a matter of opinion, but they won’t hurt your betta. I personally love the snails too 🙂

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