Ive been fishing for almost a solid year now and ive alwayd only used mono since its the cheapest and most "beginner friendly" from what i heard. But ive also heard a lot of people swear by braided line, claiming its a total game changer for their setup. Im very tempted to give it a try, as ive been getting into frog fishing but the mono just has way too much stretch for the frog imo, and i lose a decent amount of fish due to weak hooksets and braided line may give me that extra punch i need to set hooks.

Anyway theres one issue i have, and thats leaders. I change lures A LOT and i dont really like snap swivels. The thought of having to retie a new leader every couple fishing excursions gets old quick. I guess what im asking is, are the pros of braided line worth the hassle of leaders? Are leaders not actually that much of a hassle and im overthinking it? And would going full braided without a leader be worse than just sticking to mono like ive been? Thank you for your time. Also heres my first chain pickerel i caught!

Posted by mohawk3101

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