125 gallon stocking ideas

Posted by 1cat0fish


  1. The aquarium is still work in process and has been cycling since early May. Current stock x1 bristlenose, x7 rabbit snails, x7 kuhli loaches, x1 hillstream loach, x3 pseudomugil. The pH is 7.6, hard water

  2. Full_Ad_3226 on

    Your tank is lovely and your cushions are cute.

    How about one of the species of spiny eels. There are some that stay smaller. A peacock eel perhaps?

    You could do a whole school of angels. Or other south American cichlid. I’m partial to Festivums. Large silver dollars like red hook or blueberry..

    A huge school of small fish, like espei  rasbora, cardinal tetras, rummynoses, diamond tetra, tiger barbs, melon barbs, Denison barbs, giant danios..

    Some of the larger gourami species like pearl, snakeskin, moonlight..

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