This is Senku. He was originally owned by a former coworker of mine who kept him in this 3.5 gallon tank with no filter, heater, or water changes. She asked if I wanted him because she neglected him. In fact, when I went to pick him up, the tank was only half filled and the water was black. This was my second betta, so unfortunately I had no other tank ready or cycled. Within the first day, I did the best I could by adding plants and giving him fresh water (1st pic). Then although I knew this 3.5 gallon was only temporary, I wanted to give him the best life possible till I could upgrade him. So, I nicely planted it and made sure to make it as comfortable as possible (2nd pic). Now, this past week, I was finally able to provide my little guy with the bigger home that he deserved. This is his first time exploring his new cycled 5 gallon in the last few pictures. It warms my heart to see how happy he is now. Although he lived an awful life in the beginning, and I never anticpated owning a 2nd betta, I'm so glad he ended up with me. He is the sweetest boy and I plan to let him live out the rest of his days in the tank he always deserved and now gets to experience. 🙂

Posted by MijiTheAxoltl

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