Hi guys, so tomorrow I'll be camping with my girlfriend near Danube's river and I thought about fishing a little bit and despite having a a beginner fishing stick prepared by a pro (my cousin) for chub, I thought about the ambitious thing of fishing for some wels catfish like I did with my dad I was very young and he used to make all the setups for me, I was basically just baiting, throwing the line, pulling and getting it in the bag 😂… So in the little time I had in a Carrefour I bought a pre-made fishing mount for my old fishing rod that I attached with this Palomar knot that I'm asking you if it looks OK to you, also if this pre-made fishing mount looks ok to you?

As bait, I have some raw chicken meat, some fish meat (i think it's clupeide), some corn and ofc, worms. What should I use?

As equipment I'm pretty poor (check photos) prepared have this old fishing rod with this thick line and also the fishing stick which was set up by my cousin two weeks ago when we went chub fishing on a lake (not it the photo), some fishing rafts going from 2 g to 10g (not in the photo) and two other reels forgotten by my dad in the trunk of my car with some thin line can't estimate dimensions.

So what do you think? Do I stand a chance?

TL:DR, mainly : Is my Palomar knot ok, is my fishing mount ok for catfish? What bait should I use?

Thank you! Hope I don't offend anyone with the poorness of my equipment and skill, I haven't been fishing until this year for 11 years.

Posted by Monk19999

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