I have a betta, (I’m posting this on my friends account) this is Atari. I have no idea what to do or how to help him. He recently been acting weird. He’s been spasming and he hasn’t been very responsive during feeding time. INFO: I feed him once or twice a day. He has a working water heater (77 degrees) , live plants, places to hide, and the tank holds little over 6 gallons. No other tank mates other than the snail which he never had a problem with before. I got him as a baby from the pet store. I’m really worried about him and he doesn’t seem to get any better.


Posted by Fenneckiart


  1. tank: 13in in height 18in in length 6.5 gallons
    heater and filter yes for both
    tank temp is 77 currently
    i got them through petsmart labeled as baby boy
    had the tank and fish for two years
    i do quarter water changes every week to week and a half
    there’s one snail and that’s the only tank mate he’s been there since day one
    i feed him finsect betta fish food and occassional blood worms
    decorations are live plants, pebbles, a boot to hide in and foliage to hide in.

  2. Individual-Level1122 on

    maybe the current is too strong and he’s getting tired. My fish kinda has spasms to boost himself while swimming, this happens with long finned bettas because it’s harder for them to swim. Perhaps as he gets older and he stays there for longer (I don’t know how long you’ve had him) he’s getting more and more tired of fighting the current?

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