I was admiring my tank, as we do, and I spotted a little brown worm. I got a closer look and it's a kuhli fry! Then I saw another. They are in a community tank with guppies, tetras, etc. I didn't think that any of their eggs would survive but they must've done a great job hiding them.
I have read that they lay hundreds to a thousand eggs at a time. I am concerned that there may be way more babies that I'm not seeing and I have no idea how I would catch them. It's a heavily planted tank with tons of hiding spots. It's 90 gallons and established and I don't want to rip it apart.
Any ideas on how to catch kuhli fry without destroying my tank?

Posted by Anonymous_Amanda407

1 Comment

  1. Why not leave them in there? If you have to remove them, you can always use a container with holes just big enough for them to get in (think old fishing trap), weigh it down and add some food. After some time, just pick up the container.

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