It seems the last time I went fishing with my #8 I didn’t do a great job cleaning saltwater. The cap is stuck. I have removed carefully the seal and put some wd40 (several times every 2 hours). I have used a vice grip, a plumber’s spanner, pliers, nothing seems to work. It doesn’t budge.

At this point I am ready to get the hack saw and carefully cut the tube.

It sucks. Any ideas? I am normally careful with my gear, specially with saltwater. I haven’t used this rod in at least three years so I don’t know how bad corrosion will be.

I have been invited to fish for salmon in a small spate river and this rod would be ideal. This is the reason I reached to check on this rod otherwise it could have been undisturbed for longer.

Posted by dzbtrout86


  1. majorlazyman on

    A few ideas.

    If you have access get a pipe wrench try to use that, they are great for getting grip and leverage. Very very carefully apply some heat to the cap. If possible try to tighten, you might be able to break whatever is holding it on. Or as you are trying to loosen it, gently tap with a hammer for a makeshift hammer gun.

    Other than that, like you mentioned hacksaw.

    I personally would just go straight to the hacksaw as to not damage the rod. A tube has to be cheaper to replace than the rod.

    Good luck

  2. starfishpounding on

    Aluminum threads in aluminum threads and salt. Ouch.

    First let’s get some penetrationing fuild in there. Wd40 is ok, but PB blaster or straight coke (drink) may be better. Pour in the fluid while tapping on the side of the tube with a block of wood (or hammer if you don’t mind marring it). The vibrations will help the fluid spread further. Do this once an hour for a few hours.

    Then stick the tube in a vise and clamp it using rubber, leather, of something to spread the force out a bit. Clamp it close to the cap but not over the threads inside the tube. Then put a pipe wrench on the cap. The bigger the better. Apply force.

    If that doesn’t unscrew of just rip the cap off you could try a cheater bar on the pipe wrench or apply ice (dry ice better) to the center of the cap and hope the thermal shrink will break it loose.

    And if you don’t have a vice or a way to make blocks just park your vehicle tire on the tube to hold it. I would use the far end of the tube to avoid an accidental crushing. The length of the tube may wind up a bit, but hey you don’t have a vise.

    And yeah, the saw is probably the easiest solution. Hope your rod has some space at the end of the tube.

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