Hi all. Here for thoughts on my setup. Scrolling through the tanks on here makes me feel mine is underdone? I like how it is, but I wonder if the fish would prefer more hidey places, or driftwood to swim around, or something else to entertain them. I move a few things around when doing changes but most of the plants are rooted in the sand so they remain where they are. I started with only a few plants and have taken cuttings and planted them around. It will fill up once these plants grow but I guess I am feeling impatient. Added the bamboo a few days ago since no one had it for months for some reason.

I have more rocks and handmade glass decor that I took out last cleaning just to see how I felt about minimal decor. Left a single rock lol

Also, tips on rooting dwarf anubias to the rock it's on? Currently I have the metal root band from another plant hugging the roots against the rock in the "holiest" part of the rock. It's been a few months and there are no signs of the roots taking hold on the rock.

Thanks for the input!

Posted by ennsey


  1. Scared_Return_8137 on

    Sure, a piece of driftwood and maybe a sunken ship or something they can go inside would add a nice touch. I wouldn’t go too overboard though. Looks smaller so it wouldn’t be able to accommodate a crazy aquascape. Looks good 👍 

  2. The tank looks nice, maybe a big piece of drift wood, the bristlenose pleco will like it too, how might is the tank?

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