I don’t really need any advice or anything. But I fucked yo today, went to the fish store for my 2 week old tank for ghost shrumo, saw bosami rainbow fish, I didn’t do any resherch just saw them and wanted them, bad thought, fish store man said that are fine in 2ft 48L (10g) tank (wronggg). Got home instantly could tell from theyre personality that this tank is way to small, they want to speed and it’s simply not big enough.

I called them and told them I fucked up and want to return them, taking them back in a day, feel a bit silly and not keen to try and catch them.

Silly ness of the day and just wasted my time, money and this animals quality of health.

Posted by BustingAThiccy


  1. BustingAThiccy on

    Also got given so many ghost shrumo, they are huge and overwhelming, not how I wanted to start my new tank at all.

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