I prefer catching bass, but sometimes I tend to pull more pike than bass. Does anyone have any tips to avoid pike or any advice to assist? Catching pike are fun and all, big strong aggressive fish, but I just prefer bass. I catch and release everything. Caught this bad boy earlier under a dock I just knew had bass…

Also, going back out in a few minutes, bout an hour before sunset on a clear calm day, is top water still a good bet for Lilly pad coves?

Posted by SkyGod64


  1. DifferentEvent2998 on

    There’s nothing you can do to prevent an extremely aggressive predatory species from hitting your bait.

  2. nothereoverthere084 on

    Those about 14 to 20 inch pike are stupid as hell you’ll miss a hook set on them and they’ll keep chasing all the way to the boat lol not much you can do. It sucks too when they get gut hooked on a single hook lure….

  3. Unkle_Argyle on

    You’re not gonna be able to avoid the apex predators in their own habitats. I mostly target bass myself and will catch pike on accident occasionally, however my home fisheries are not very suitable for pike as a general rule. I really enjoy catching em when I do tho. Also bass will be present in areas pike inhabit, they just tend to acquiesce to the more veracious fish. Culling smaller pike, if legal, would be a better solution tho.

  4. Well when youre fishing for predatory species, that tends to be what you catch. Nothing you can do but ensure you have the proper gear not to get your lures sliced off and maybe one day youll catch a pike big enough youll be hooked to catching them instead, like i was when i lived in NJ

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