I was out fishing in headwaters a few weeks back and got quite the scare. I was in about 3-4ft of water when (I'm pretty sure) I spooked this gator by having my paddle go right over it or way too close to its head. I'm not sure who got spooked more though.. haha. Normally if I see a gator I try to avoid the area it went down in but I had no indication this one was there. Needless to say I'm lucky to have a stable kayak and it was only a self defense reaction from the gator. Will it scare me from kayak fishing? Nah, but it is definitely an experience that I will not forget! Like Deadpool said "I should've wore my brown pants today" 🤣

Posted by Zirito_35

1 Comment

  1. edwardworld001 on

    Wow, that sounds like quite the adrenaline rush! It’s good to hear that you and the gator both came out of it okay. Encounters like that definitely make for unforgettable stories. Stay safe out there and happy fishing!

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