Beginning to be a fan of floating plants, yes i have my irritations but they do a amazing job in this eco system. Whats your favorite? And whats your opinion? (Sorry for my english)

Posted by Clear-Reputation9028


  1. Lumbering_Mango on

    def a love hate relationship for sure. it makes doing water changes far messier. however they do add a layer of natural beauty that I appreciate. I could do without it making my clean tanks look green though but I guess I can deal with that lol.

  2. Sketched2Life on

    Currently i have Red Root floaters, Duckweed, Amazon Frogbit and Dwarf Water Lettuce.

    Duckweed: Never bought it, it’s nice, tho. I dry it, powder it and make gello, the Loaches and Shrimp love it.

    Amazon Frogbit: It’s nice for bigger tanks, it will root itself in the ground after it’s roots reach the soil, gets pretty big and long, wouldn’t recommend it for smaller tanks.

    Dwarf Water Lettuce: Not so Dwarf, much Lettuce. I really like the structure of their Roots, but same as Amazon Frogbit, they get pretty big and get long roots, not really good for smaller tanks.

    My personal Favorite:
    Red Root Floaters: I love them. They create a autumn-y vibe when they’re colored up quite nicely, they do well in lower light, too and their roots don’t get long. They can get cute little white flowers.

    Also: I have a Dwarf Pond-lily in one of my tanks, they can be neat, too, but i can not recommend them for any tank less than at least 30g (the one i have on my 33g is almost to much, require frequent ferts and high lighting, too).

  3. Stunning_Chipmunk_68 on

    Giant salvinia and salvinia minima are my first choice followed by riccia fluitans then frogbit.

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