Hi all!

This is Cornelius. Cornelius lives in a 5 gallon planted tank with his mystery snail friend Bertha. I got him from Petsmart about a month ago. The tank was already established and cycled for several weeks before I got him, because I originally had cherry shrimp in it but plans changed (aka more tanks were purchased 🤪) and so once the shrimp moved out, Cornelius moved in.

When I got him, he was so happy to eat his Fluval bug bite pellets. He'd swim to the top corner and beg. I also got him a wheel of treats that had freeze dried mysis shrimp, daphnia, and blood worms, but he did not care for a single one of those. I thought it was odd but maybe he just was fed pellets only and didn't recognize it as food, but I don't know.

Then earlier this week, he just started to seem disinterested in the pellets. I tried the freeze dried treats again, no luck. I bought new pellets (Hikari betta bio gold) and he didn't really seem interested. I think he eats them once they float to the bottom, but he doesn't excitedly beg anymore.

So, I went to my LFS and bought live blackworms per their reccomendation. I brought them home and put 2 in the tank, and I have NEVER seen a fish so aggressively eat a worm. Cornelius went absolutely feral on those worms, I was impressed honestly. So yay, he likes worms! But now I have a problem. He's only had 2 of them in the last 3 days because I don't want to overindulge him, but now the man only has one thing on his mind: WORMS. He is constantly swimming around in the corner where I fed him the worms. He doesn't go in his plants anymore or use his log. He just is waiting for more worms.

What do I do? 🥲 I don't want to feed him exclusively worms but he literally just doesn't seem to want the pellets like he wanted the worms. I've heard they like variety, but he is so dang obsessed with the worms I feel bad for him.

Anyone with a super picky fish ever have luck with any certain foods? Thanks in advance if you read this far! (ps yes the water needs topped off don't roast me pls it evaporates so fast)


Posted by grubsbywubsby


  1. Obvious-Zone-6819 on

    give him a veritey of food like diffrent pellets and flakes also live food

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