My betta that I got off eBay as many of you have said would color up did color up. I thank you for all your inputs and advices. I have sad news, he’s gone. As you all may know or not, I have a lid on my aquarium, but I have a 4×3 cut out in the corner for my filter, heater, and co2 to go in. Well somehow he managed to jump from that one cut out. I was looking for him this morning but when I couldn’t, I thought maybe he had jumped out so I started looking around for his body on the floor. I couldn’t find it until I moved the stand and there he was. Dried up and dead. HE WAS NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT, HE WAS MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN THAT PICTURE. I waited so long for little guy just to lose him the next day. This really sucks, I thought I did everything right and he still managed to jump. Although he is gone, I’m glad I was able to give him a great day, he was in a mansion and he ate blood worms like a king. RIP LITTLE BLUE.

Posted by AcanthisittaHuge5948

1 Comment

  1. thatwannabewitch on

    Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry for your loss! 😭 I recently had a jumper too… It’s always heartbreaking

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