Hey guys- new betta owner here. My son and his grandpa came home with this fishy- his name is Garydos (like the pokemon). I fell in love with him too of course.
They told us at the fish store to use distilled water only. We treated with quick start and the sea chem prime.
He stopped eating 5 days ago, stays by his heater and doesn’t move.
Yesterday we changed his water- and he sunk to the bottom and looked like he was labored breathing, couldn’t swim to the top when he tried.
I started googling. Found out distilled water is bad.
Freaked out. Ran to pet store. Got him premade betta water.
Scooped him out of his house and put him in the premade water with a shallow Tupperware container so he can get air.
What else can I do to save him?
I know this is horrible I feel so badly but we love him and wish we would’ve known better.
I was just going off of what the fish store people told us.
This is a video of him in his Tupperware…. What do we do?


Posted by Old-Jellyfish-369


  1. CalmLaugh5253 on

    That betta water is a scam. Just use regular dechlorinated tap water. Taking fish and putting them in different waters without proper slow acclimation is also incredibly hard on their bodies.

    Can you give us more info about the setup? Can you answer the automod’s questions?

  2. Obvious-Zone-6819 on

    i recommend a 5-10 gallon tank with live plants a heater and a filture with not to much flow also some fluvel bug bites but only 3-4 pellets per day and some dechloranated water also you could methylene blue fish treatment some salt to help and

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