I started feeding the larger fish in my 200L/~59gallon tank buffalo worms and the effect really showed in the paradise fish couple I have.

The male (pictures 1, 2 & 3) became very colorful, long and fiesty. He made a bubblenest which he defends valiantly 24/7 (even from the female😂). He decided a dead, rotting leaf from one of the floaters was the perfect spot for his nest.

He is unfortunately camera shy so it was very hard to get decent photos, but he looks absolutely stunning in better light!

Since I have gotten this pair they have become my all time favorite fish for sure.

The male just looks like a little aquatic dragon and has the temperament that perfectly matches it, the female (pictures 4 & 5) is quite a goofball and can't sit still for a picture but she looks beautiful as well. I think she might lay eggs soon or has done so already, any advice on that would be appreciated!

Posted by 2GudOfADayM8

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