First photo was taken two days ago, second photo was before there was any stocking back in January when I set it up.

As you can see, a lot has changed! Plants died off, other plants were added and existing plants that survived have taken OFF!

I started off with a sponge filter but ended up going with a canister filter for aesthetic purposes.

Panda cories
Purple mosaic guppies
Red eye tetra
Female beta
Celestial Pearl Danios
White cloud mountain minnows
Bristle nose Pleco
Mystery snail
A few rabbit snails
Ramshorn snails

Stocking may be a little high for a 50 gallon but weekly testing shows zero ammonia, nitrate or nitrite.

This is my first tank larger than 5 gallons and I have to say, it has been much easier to care for than my nano tanks. It’s a lot less work to get into balance.

Posted by LieIllustrious1459


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