(Put NSFW on it: trigger warning, fishing pictures)

This lake connects to Lake Michigan 😳

Posted by dorabsnot


  1. EasyInsurance6415 on

    These wild goldfish pictures are always so crazy. Especially seeing them when I was a kid, I thought goldfish stayed small and being in the wild gave them super powers or something, lol! On a dimmer note, it’s so horrible people still think it’s okay to do this. Even with so much knowledge at our fingertips, learning about invasive and non-native species’ destruction in school, they still release their pets into the wild thinking they’ll have a great and dandy time with no consequences. It truly saddens and angers me to a level I can’t even express 😭 I wish people would just stop releasing their babies into the wild lol.

  2. People in general have no respect for their local ecosystems. Frustrating shit, they just see a place to use however they like.

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