This goes out to you all tonight because I couldn’t have done it without the help I’ve gotten here. I’ve been really trying to get some bass game going this year after really only catching some smaller rock bass and maybe some baby largemouth at random. Been fishing since I was a boy a few times a year and I would typically throw bait at random without caring to learn how to retrieve or I would be giving up heavy-reeling lures for my old beer and a bobber, casual fishing.

After a slow start to the year i changed jobs to WFH and have been hitting the small lakes near my home at least once a week and fishing either by kayak or by shore. I’ve been keep g mental notes from the advice I’ve read here and dusted off some neglected tackle with some new methodology and tonight, huge success. For the past 3 weekends I’ve landed back to back to back PBs in a row for LMB and I gotta say, there might be something to this whole Texas rig thing. Granted the first PB was 14”, last weeks 16”, but this one.. I didn’t have my tape but I’d put money on 19-20”. Obviously a cut in stone 21” for anyone I tell back home.

But this time I felt confident getting on the water and that really changed it for me. I knew my line was good and my equipment setup securely and a net at the ready. I had scoped out a good spot from shore and patiently fanned across the bottom until I found the action. Had some light action to start and was able to just keep attacking for about an hour and half straight with only resetting the hook at times. Pulled up another smaller one before and after this one. What a frickin day dude. I couldnt cast for another 5 min after that one though I was coursing with adrenaline.

If you’re reading this you’ve probably asked, answered, or upvoted some sort of piece that may seem trivial to some but has taught myself and others so again thank you everyone.

So glad I could finally get a photo of this one too! Here’s to 4 in a row?

Posted by QuesoFiend

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