Backstory: I work at a pet store and unfortunately, we keep bettas in the stupid cups. But we take as good of care of them as possible. We brought in these alien bettas and this boy was the last one left and had been there for months because no one wanted to pay more than the normal price for a betta. Please don’t hate on me for it, if I had it my way, they’d all be in bigger tanks living the life they deserve.

I felt terrible for him and had a 10g tank I had been cycling for something else (that didn’t end up happening), so I decided to give him a home. Got him yesterday, he went into the tank around 6pm or so. I woke up yesterday and came out to the living room around 7am and thought that my dang fish had been replaced!

Meet Benoit! The first video is of him in the stupid cup, then the next two videos are of him in the tank this morning. He has exploded with color and I can’t wait to see him thrive! I went over the decorations and checked for any sharp edges or anything that could even get close to injuring him. Eventually, I’m going to transition this tank to a planted tank like my other ones.

Posted by wildbibliophile

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