Rosy Barb insanely swollen but still lively, diagnosis or treatment?

Posted by _Aj_


  1. This fish has been rather rotund for several months, we assumed it had eggs at first but it always stayed swollen and never seemed to shrink. Scales flat so I don’t think dropsy, colour is bright and it’s active, neutrally buoyant and generally acting like a normal fish… Just fat.
    It’s gotten bigger though, it’s ludicrous, and I’m very concerned because a fish can only stretch so far. Water quality is good, only phosphates are high, all other metrics are good though.
    Any thoughts? I don’t want to euthanise as it seems happy? But I am greatly worried it’s going to simply pop and I don’t know what to do. Not sure if insanely constipated, we’ve tried peas, or if it’s full of eggs or what’s happened. Any insight appreciated. Thank you

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