5.5 gallon tank, heated, bubbler, many plants, 78 degrees F., filtered.

Guys my betta is only mad and flares at night! It seems his reflection is intensified at night while it’s dark inside and the aquarium light is on… I enjoy seing his beautiful fins and all but I believe this stresses him out. Me and the family love having the light on at night as we can see him and the tank. How can I reduce this reflection from happening, as you can see in the video, he’s pissed something furious 😅


Posted by AdorableTill4229


  1. AllthingskinkCA on

    Maybe you’re keeping him up, mine finds a spot and just chills once the lights off

  2. SittinOnTheRidge on

    Mine does this when the lights on. I barely use it because he gets so upset. I’m pretty sure the entire tank becomes a four sided mirror with the lights on.

  3. solairesnoot on

    Wow, he’s such an incredible beautiful boy! What helped me in the past was having a background that had an image of a luscious aquascape. Clear/dark bg can create many reflections

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