Hiii ther what fish can I kept in shallow water

Posted by yesothavalli


  1. Fit_Construction6998 on

    It’s looking very shallow and not very long so I would say no fish at all.

  2. Honestly none. Most small fish would require a few gallon of water and most of them want a shoal. How large is the tank and are you set on having very little water in it?

    This sort of environment can be good for some crabs and frogs etc that live in and out of the water

  3. This_Price_1783 on

    It’s not even big enough for shrimp. Please don’t add fish to this puddle.

    You could maybe add some freshwater clams, a few bladder snails maybe (they will live almost anywhere if there’s food and water).

    You want at least 10x that amount of water to even consider some nano fish, and I would suggest some aquatic plants for cover etc too. Most small fish live in schools or Shoals so you need to buy a few.

  4. _FreddieLovesDelilah on

    guys what about crabs? Maybe op could make it more terrestrial with banks and have vampire crabs? I don’t know too much about it though so OP please research! Good luck 🙂

  5. Plenty of fish live in shallow water, none in this amount of water. Not even big enough for shrimp or most snails. Look into animals that can live in and out of water, like small crabs, if you want life. No fish can live here.

  6. Traincrashonatuesday on

    Really unique setup, not seen anything like that in a fluval flex before.

    Really couldn’t keep any fish/shrimp/snails in that tiny amount of water. They wouldn’t add anything either way- the plants speak for themselves.

  7. Dornenkraehe on

    For the land part (depending on how dry/wet it is) isopods might work.

    For the water bladder snails or maybe (look it up first!) a crab

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