We received our betta (Cloud) from my nephew who did not want him anymore, they had him for about a month. We either take him in or they will just continue to neglect him until he dies. He was housed in a fish bowl without any live plants or heater. We bought him a 3.5gal tank with filter/heater/bubbler, I found this subreddit after the fact and we are looking at getting a 5gal in a couple of weeks. Anyways, the ends of his tail is turning white. Is this normal or is he sick? He is active, feeds well, and loves to play with the bubbles from his bubbler or hanging out on his leaf hammock and getting himself in all sorts of weird positions between the leaves of his love plants. The kids love him and I’m just worried that he’s sick. If he is then I’d like to get on top of treating it asap. First photo is how we received him, second is how he currently is with the ends of his tail turning white and third picture is his tank setup. Any input is welcome. Thanks in advance!


Posted by ceegome13


  1. * Tank size: 3.5gal
    * Heater and filter? (yes/no): yes and yes + a bubbler.
    * Tank temperature: heater is auto set to 78-80 and tank thermometer confirms this.
    * Parameters in numbers and how you got them: have not tested.
    * How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?: tank 3 weeks, fish 2 weeks. Cycled the tank for 1 week before “inheriting” our betta.
    * How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?: 10% every 7-10 days. Vacuum the gravel, clean any visible algae if any, replace new conditioned water after. Used seachem prime and stability.
    * Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: no tank mates.
    * What do you feed and how much: Northfin Betta Bits 4-5 1mm pellets in the morning and 4-5 at night. We fast him 1 day a week and his next feed is bloodworm.
    * Decorations and plants in the tank: live java fern and moneywort, a yellow submarine, leaf hammock, and fake plant.

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