I had just purchased this Curado DC and put it on a 7’ Daiwa pole last Thursday July 4th. Figured I’d pull the trigger on my dream reel. I was so happy to finally have such a nice piece of equipment. I fished it for the first time yesterday out on a small lake with my kayak. The DC performed as expected and was just as nice as I imagined it. With the DC in my rear rod holder, I was using a spinning rod with a crank bait tied on, and it got stuck in a tree. I yanked the lure out only to realize it was heading straight at my face at the speed of light, so I leaned to the left to avoid the treble hooks coming at my face. Next thing I knew I was in the water under my kayak. i quickly got all my things back on the kayak with my body still in the water, but only to realize my brand new $320 set up was no where to be found. I was in about 10 feet of water so I felt around with my feet in the area for about 2 hours and I couldn’t find it. I had to leave because of a bad storm coming in.
Needless to say , I’m heartbroken. I’ve looked up some pretty promising videos on how to get a rod back from the bottom so I do have hope. My only question is, will it even be worth it? At this point it’s been underwater for almost 24 hours and I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to the spot until next weekend.
Someone please let me know what they think! Thanks

Posted by No-Marsupial6775


  1. Syreet_Primacon on

    I would go back. You might need to do a bit of maintenance on the reel, but it shouldn’t be a lost cause if you’re in freshwater.

  2. SuperGiantGnome on

    If you can find it definitely worth it. Even if it’s been underwater you can open and clean it yourself or sent it in somewhere to have it fully cleaned and re-lubed.

  3. Heck yeah, it’s worth it. I’d sure try. Will be fine after cleaning it up some. I’ve pulled several out that I’m sure had been there for quite a while and they’re just like they were when they went in. I’ve also found some that were completely trashed but they were obviously there for a longgggg time.

  4. pelvicpenguin on

    Feel your pain, I lost a $450 combo once off a kayak in about 30ft water in a quarry lake. Needless to say, I never successfully retrieved it. After that incident I made sure all my gear & bags can float. I got some buoys for my rods that I slap on before I hit the water now.

  5. BushWookie-13 on

    Been there before where there is no possibility of retrieval. At 10 ft of water you can absolutely get it back and fix it up as good as new. If you are in WI, I will take you there with scuba and a boat. 100% worth going back to get.

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