This is an update for those who requested it on my last post. You can go to my profile to see the before :3 First ever stand I built. Low tech tank, planning on going high tech in the next year or so. No livestock currently except for around 3 snails that came in with my hornwort. Only plants in there are currently hornwort, amazon swords (bunch of baby ones growing too lol), El Nino fern and some bamboo (not sure which type). The bamboo grew submerged in my 10gal and has now grown taller than my 20gal.

Any fish and plant recommendations will be gladly appreciated. I plan on getting 4 amano shrimp

Posted by Kirynxkyo

1 Comment

  1. Educational-Dog-2507 on

    Looks nice! Make sure the snails aren’t pest snails and they overrun the tank later.  Amanos are a great choice. I would get a smaller pleco but I like plecos.  Keep in mind for size that 20g is limited on what and how many you should get. Don’t overstock.

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