today we noticed one of our betta fish, Nilla, has some kind of lump on her side. it’s not on both sides of her body, it’s just on (from her perspective) her right side, right above where her bottom fin starts. i read that it might be a tumor of some sort? i have no idea 🙁
but if this sounds or looks familiar, or like something anyone would know about, we had a few questions:
• is it most likely to be a tumor, or is it something else?
• what can we do to help her?
• is it causing her pain?
thank you to anyone taking the time to read this and respond, we deeply appreciate it! 🤍🐟

Posted by NeatBanana420

1 Comment

  1. Strict-Seesaw-8954 on

    Blue bettas are prone to tumors, more so than any other colour. Not saying that is absolutely what is up with your Betta but something to keep in mind.

    As long as your fish is properly cared for and acting normally there is nothing you can do. If the mass grows and breaks through then consider that that is probably painful.

    All fishkeepers should have clove oil on hand (it doesn’t “expire”) and know how to humanely euthanise well ahead of any need to.

    Best of luck.

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