Hello! Need help with a situation… Just did a trim on some plants and replaced last sponge in Oase biomaster 850 filter. As after this all of the Shrimp started acting weird, looks like they are in pain! Fish are OK and happy. Water parameters: Amonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5. Any ide what I could do??

Posted by Beet_Finder

1 Comment

  1. cobalt_phantom on

    Something is causing their bodies to go into shock. Did you use dechlorinated water that was around the same temperature? No soaps or anything like that?

    Also, I’m not sure if it would cause them to react that way so quickly but most of the beneficial bacteria resides in the sponges or filter floss in a filter and replacing it with a clean one could cause the cycle to crash, at least partially. It’s recommended to rinse dirty sponges in the water you remove from your tank and reuse them. If you need a new one you can leave it in the tank for about a week before replacing the old one. Again, I’m not sure if they would have that reaction so fast but crashing a cycle can cause some serious problems.

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