Okay so I bought a single nerite snail when i first got into the hobby and now as you can see i have so many snails all around the tank with little white eggs everywhere. I was under the impression snail eggs wouldnt hatch in a freshwater tank. These are all of the snails just in this front corner of the tank, there are a large amount more throughout. What do I do with all of these snails, my girlfriend wont let me “exterminate them”

Posted by AAlexander31


  1. Nerite snail eggs will not hatch in freshwater, but that is a feature just to nerite snails. However nerite snails will continue to lay eggs regardless, they just will not hatch and will dissolve over months. In the interim they will sesame seed your aquascape. How to mitigate it is by removing the egg laying female and ensure you only have males. Though they are hard to sex.

    Now the other snails in your picture are malaysian trumpet snails. They breed prolifically in freshwater and they are live-bearers. One malaysian trumpet snail can lead to 100s. The positives for them are if you have a planted tank. They do wonders to churn the substrate and push mulm into it where plants can use it as fertilizer. Where they are considered pest snails is if you over feed your tanks. They will reproduce up to the available food supply. In order to control there numbers, feed less and clean out any uneaten food quickly. You can also set traps to catch them to reduce their population.

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