Apparently this was in the same river that the real shark that inspired jaws attacked a few of its victims.

Posted by Fabulous_Ad6487


  1. Traditional-Focus985 on

    People are stupid. So you will inevitably get a yes to this question.

    For me is a no dawg

  2. YogurtclosetBroad872 on

    I caught a Spanish mackerel fishing from the pier in South Florida and as I reeled it to the surface, a 6′ bull shark grabbed it whole in one bite. Seeing it that close was pretty shocking and I couldn’t imagine having my legs in the water next to it. Long story short…it’s a hard no for me

  3. Recent_Obligation276 on

    Not this year. Shark attacks are up around the world. Water gets hot, they need more food and are less picky about prey.

    The water is hotter now on average than ever before. They hungry.

    Still statistically very unlikely, but you aren’t helping your odds like that lol

    Might get some barrels and 2×4’s and make a little barge. If it’s wide enough it won’t tip

  4. Ill_Description_1242 on

    I’ve actually done it before completely by accident.

    Was fishing on a beach with my dad at dusk in florida. My dad never fishes, but came out with me to spend some time together. I am from inland Canada and normally just flip bass and pike, but since we were on the golf, figured it would be fun to see what we could catch.

    There was a shallow slope all the way to the first sandbar, so my dad and I walked out to about waste height to get better casts in. 30 minutes in we saw a ton of mullet hoping out of the water all around us and went on for maybe an hour.

    Spoke with some locals the next day and found out that the mullet only jump when the sharks are chasing them down. Meanwhile this was happening all around us the night before. Guess we dodged a bullet that day 🤣

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