i'm going to the fish store to see if euthanasia or kanaplex is the right solution. he's had a hard time opening his mouth to eat bloodworms, so i'm really torn. coming here to vent and seek advice. lugosi is 2 years old this month. i know he could live so much longer, my heart is broken.


Posted by taesfavoritethong


  1. ImpressiveBig8485 on

    Trying some salt, Kanaplex and catappa leaves for tannins can’t hurt. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻

  2. Epsom salt might help, but most likely he is too far gone. Unfortunately a lot of betta fish are very poorly bred so their life spans vary vastly. I’m sure he was very loved.

  3. CalmLaugh5253 on

    Happened to our boy too a few days ago at only 6 months of us having him. Out of the blue, and even with immediate treatment he passed away within 24 hours. Declined so fast we couldn’t believe it. :'( You can totally try treating with epsom salt, antibacterials and tannins. Success stories are few, but not unheard of! Have seen fish bounce back from near death.

    Wish you and your fishy all the best either way!

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