What is the chance of survival in community tank? 0%?

Posted by Sad-Expression-7444


  1. GenericHeroName on

    Not an expert but from what I’ve read angels are really good parents and will defend the eggs until they hatch and look after the babies after they do. I might be wrong so please don’t take my answer as the final answer. If I’m wrong someone please correct me.

  2. One-Payment434 on

    Between 0 and 100%.

    It depends on factors like size of tank, what other fish, water temperature,  how good are the parents, plants, …

  3. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. 50/50. I released 100 convict fry to my predatortank since some of my fish stopped eating pellets / frozen. Some of the fuckers survived till adulthood and I had unlimited food since they kept breeding and the little fuckers fended off a fully sized adult asian arowana and large chiclids. Never underestimate an angry parent fish. (I DO NOT support live feeding, but if the choice is between my 5000usd asian arowana and some convicts natural selection happens)

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