Hey my Name is Leo im a New/bad fishermen i have only caught trout and carp Till this day
I went on a Camping Trip with my Family a week scho and i thought im try Fishing in the evening. I did read a lot about Fishing up here and got the lures/bait and rod to match. But even After Fishing all week (2 hours each evening) i didnt Even get a Single bite. (Only Fishing from shor)
I tried everything, Every Lure every bait and every spot and depth.
Can anybody suggest anything along my journey to get me my first ocean fish?

Posted by Professional_Dare627

1 Comment

  1. sabretooth_ninja on

    I dont know anything about fishing the ocean in Norway, but I can say that 90% of the fish use 10% of the water. Sometimes, the spot or spots are just undesirable (usually means no food present). Understand that fish follow food. When they’re not following food, they’re spawning. Fish in areas where baitfish and shrimp and small crabs and kelp beds are plentiful, then learn what fish spawn when so you can be in the right place at the right time.

    The best I can say about the ocean is to follow the tides. From what I understand, the tides are everything. I think the inbound tide is the best, I’m not sure.

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