Guys will my Amazon sword be okay if it starts to grow out of the tank? Does this stuff ever stop growing ? I just need to know because a bigger tank isn’t an option for me at the moment. 5.5 gallon tank with one betta and one mystery snail. Heated tank with filter and bubbler. Fluval stratum substrate. Bacopia plant with three smaller rosette sword. Two cardinalis plants? Forgot how to spell it. The two Amazon sword are what I have questions about. If I stand them up completely straight they hang out of the tank quite a lot. But I usually bend the leaves downward so they are still in the water”mostly”. Can these things survive with some of the leaves out of water? I use root tabs and liquid fert 3 times a week. This is what I wanted though…I wanted a jungle type theme that my betta can feel is natural to him. Also forgot to mention…my middle piece of driftwood has two anubias growing into the cracks and crevices, no glue used at all. And I also have a small piece of mopani driftwood in the far back left corner.

Posted by AdorableTill4229

1 Comment

  1. HndsDwnThBest on

    Your betta loves those upper leaves to rest on. I’d say keep doing what you do and try to keep them in the water. Trim dead stuff off and let it regrow. Rinse wipe repeat. Im sure if it’s alive and happy, then it’s fine. Let the plant tell you how it is by how it looks.

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