hi all! i just replaced the filter cartridge that came with my filter with bio-rings and a coarse sponge. i had a bag filled about half way with biorings and added it into my filter with the original filter media so the bacteria could establish itself on the new filter media. Just today i removed the old media and added in a piece of coarse sponge pad and filled the bag with more biorings. the picture attached shows what it looks like right now. i have the sponge on the bottom of the filter and the bag of bio-rings on top of the sponge. does this look like it will work right? any advice is appreciated! i’ve never tried filter media other than the cartridge that came with my tank!


Posted by Good_Capital1181


  1. beemusburger on

    Looks okay to me 🙂 I have a similar set up in a 10 gal. I use fine filter sponges though as they have higher surface area for bacteria to colonise. Coarse sponge is good for mechanical filtration.

    Just keep an eye on water parameters and you should be g

  2. Big_Marsupial7707 on

    The order in which you want your sponges and bio media depends on how the flow goes in your filter. You want the sucked in water to first hit the sponge to filter out large particles so that it doesn’t gunk up your bio media. On hang on back filters I usually use a coarse prefilter sponge, put my biomedia at the bottom and layer a finer sponge on top. Hang on backs often have a bit of an unclear flow so you just gotta try around with what works :3

    If you notice your biomedia getting gunked up quickly, try switching around where you put it or try using a sponge on the intake.

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