What’s one less fancy or cheaper fish that’s ended up being a favourite? For me it’s my extremely fat siamese algae eater/helicopter

Posted by LeilaBabyyyyyyxo


  1. What a thick boy. As a Fish, **Corydoras**. Just all Corydoras. I think they’re fantastic. They have great personalities, keep the floor clear, and have such interesting colours/markings.

    In colour, it has to be **Sunset Marigold Platys**. One of the nicest colours in Fish I’ve yet to see in this hobby outside some Malawi Cichlids. Can be as cheap as £1. They start life orange, then ~4months, they develop a deep red in the rear half, and a burning bright yellow in the front. Just beautiful.

  2. Death2mandatory on

    Columbian red and blue tetras,like rainbow fish but with attitude.

    Also bluegill

  3. 3Huskiesinasuit on

    I bought a couple tommycod for my Oscar fish, and a few survived. I named one of them Bill, and he was awesome, hands down my favorite fish i have ever owned.

    His brazen disregard for the size of the fish that was meant eat him, really made me get attached.

  4. _AttilaTheNun_ on

    Corydoras. Enjoy them so much I hatched the eggs they kept laying. Now I have too many, haha.

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