I’m new to fish keeping and the bala sharks are one of my favorites. I have a 20 gallon tall tank for now water is completely fine all the other fish are alive and fine( angelfish, albino catfish, and a dinosaur bichir) this is the 3rd one I’ve tried to keep but they all end up like this in just a few hours

Posted by Medical-Ad-2006


  1. Bala sharks really shouldn’t be sold in stores, not sure why they are as they need massive aquariums when all grown up. However that aside, you mentioned a 20 gallon tank with a bala shark, angelfish, cat fish, and a dinosaur bichir. That sounds pretty high on the bioload. My questions are:

    – How long has this tank been set up for?

    – What are the current water parameters, specifically ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

  2. I suggest you do some research. All of those fish will outgrow a 20gallon.

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