Found this guy at my local Petco while I was there for other things. I know buying petco or other store sold bettas is kind of frowned upon here, but I couldn't help myself when I saw him. He was by far the most lively betta on the display they had, constantly doing laps around his cup while the bettas around him all laid on the bottoms of theirs. Plus I've never seen a betta quite like him, especially with the translucent fins like you can see in the video. It's like someone splashed a paint can on his fins, I love it.

I am currently attempting to house him in a 20 long with a group of mixed neocaradina shrimps, and so far so good. He mostly does his own thing and treats the shrimp like they don't exist, though I have seen him approach them on occasion out of curiosity.

Posted by HeyItsMe6996


  1. ResidualHotdog on

    Very nice. The fins look so good! He will like the 20 gal for the exploring space.

  2. Stewmungous on

    I’ve caught the anti – PetCo sentiment. But where does the sub suggest you get your Betas? Mom & Pops? They usually have same set up.

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