I've had my tank for about 3 months now. I feed them only once in 2 days.

This is a 128L Tank with 1 angel fish, 1 gourami, 2 panda Cory, 4 neon tetra (now 3), 5 golden barbs, 2 albino red fin sharks.

I've had random deaths before this and now I suspect Gill (angelfish) for randomly attacking and killing them..

Appreciate your opinion if I'm under feeding my fishes and it's causing the agro I'm seeing.

Father fish taught me that a Hungry fish is a healthy fish.

Posted by Sufficient-Nail4460


  1. PopTartsNHam on

    Angelfish are cichlid predators- they will always munch on small fish.

    Would feeding more help? Maybe, but everything that fits in their mouth is in danger

  2. thewonderfulfluff on

    I mean, on the one hand the behavior of a fish will always be unpredictable. Your angelfish could have been really peaceful at first but it may have grown out of that to be more aggressive. On the other hand, you generally don’t want to pair fish with something that can fit it in its mouth, as fish are almost always opportunistic. In fact, according to this article, [angelfish eat neon tetras in the wild](https://www.petmd.com/fish/general-health/5-facts-about-angelfish#), although I’d take that with a grain of salt because many facts about fish on the web are not well founded and hard to corroborate. Either way, this is a good opportunity to take any fish that’s smaller than the one that was just waffled away from your angelfish.

  3. Accurate_Rock_4170 on

    Well that’s why you’re not supposed to keep neons with angelfish. If it can fit in the fish’s mouth the angel fish may try to eat it so it’s risky. Now that your angel fish has a taste for neons the other three are in trouble.

  4. contrary to the name “angel”fish

    They are assholes… I refuse to keep them now days unless I somehow become mega rich and can afford a giant group of altums.

    And as someone else has mentioned, they are known to eat smaller fish.

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