A mild east wind led to a slower morning with fish refusing to eat, but we stayed persistent. The wind slowly picked up throughout the day and 1 by 1 we picked off some really nice sheep.

Shane's first fish was a paper worthy 24" fish. Followed by another long stretch of fish not eating.

Eventually we found a piling that was loaded up with fish, Shane caught a 23.5" fish and I caught another 24" fish off that piling back to back.

The wind really started to kick up and we worked our way in. I found a 15" tog and a final mark produced a perfect eater fish for Shane, right at 20".

Shane had one goal heading out today and all he wanted was one 20" sheepshead, so I'm going to say we delivered on that for him!

All the big sheep and the tog were released to hopefully grow even bigger!

Posted by SaltyKayakAdventures

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