I started fishing this year and while trolling for walleye with my dad who is a life-long fisherman, I brought in this beast as my third ever fish after a largemouth and a pumpkinseed. It was a nice catch and release, I noticed it was bleeding so my dad told me to hold it by tail and kinda run it back and forth slowly until it swims off so I did that and it swam off like a bullet. Such an amazing experience. Anyways, since then, I’ve been fishing for 3 separate days on the boat with him again, we do 10 hours on the water so like 30 hours and like 2-3 hours from shore and I’ve only caught a rock bass the size of my palm. The people I’m with are catching fish, I’m using similar lures and bait and them and yet I am consistently getting skunked. Maybe I’m just not there yet and need some more tips, but I just don’t know what to make of it. I feel like I took all the luck away from my fishing season. I know I’m gonna catch fish, and that it’s called fishing, not catching (Heard that one from my Dad a few times now) but it’s just hard to stay motivated when you aren’t even getting bites.

Posted by MourningMahogany

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