right now my tank has a male betta, 2 nerites, a couple hitchhiker snails, and a bunch of plants. i’ve been keeping bettas for a few years now and wanna try something new. i might get shrimp, but in case i decide against them, any recommendations? or is 10 gallons too small for additional fish? i don’t want it to be too cramped in there.


Posted by Novel-Effort6396


  1. Alpaca-your-bags on

    With the shrimp idea, it’s completely down to the fish’s temperament.
    My vail-tail male has a large bamboo shrimp in with him. On the first day he wouldn’t leave it alone but has now come to terms with the fact that the shrimp won’t fit in his mouth.

    I also have a few nerite snail and they do a pretty good job of keeping the tank clean

  2. I highly recommend kuhli loaches!! I thought they were ugly at first, but I got 2 and I love them so much! They really only need a place to hide since they’re shy and nocturnal. Mine are now comfortable to come out throughout the day.

  3. Confident_Emphasis69 on

    Most people recommend adding your betta last if you’re going to add tank mates so your betta doesn’t interpret them as “invading their territory”. My guy is pretty chill so I’ve had no issues adding shrimp, but I would definitely want to set up a separate tank and introduce my betta last if I were to put other fish with him

  4. MandoPrincess1015 on

    My betta is very docile and lives happily with our snails two goldfish and mollies

  5. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tankmates](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tankmates)

    While you could get a few kuhli loaches or corydoras, it’s not ideal for them in a 10g as they cannot have enough of their own kind – they do best with 6+ and that’s a bit overstocked if you do that in a 10g. Most fish compatible with bettas are schooling/shoaling types and do best with 6+ of their own kind, so at the least you would need to upgrade to 15g if you really want to do that. Otherwise with lesser/smaller groups the additional fish will not really have their needs met fully, even if they can live with less of their own kind.

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