My first catch, it escaped as I was trying to grab the net.
Does it count, or I got to hold it in my hands for it to count?

Posted by De_Real_Snowy


  1. You caught him, it still counts. Congrats on your first catch.

    You don’t need a net for that size, just grab it in your hand and unhook him next time.

  2. Historical-Dealer501 on

    What that guy said, no need for a net unless they got teeth! Just stick your thumb in their mouth with the pad of your thumb pressing the side their tongue is on, grab, hold them with just that one hand and use your free hand to remove the hook! I dont even own a net. Probably will get one when I start fishing salt but for fresh especially if youre not on a boat, a net is just extra weight/junk to carry.

    Pliers help a TON if your grip strength isn’t great/sometimes the slime can make your fingers slippery on the hook. Also depends on type and size of hook so I’d generally recommend a good pair of fishing pliers for anyone. Like 15 bucks on Amazon. Tight lines!

  3. You had it in the air, should’ve just brought him over to the pier/dock you’re standing on. No need for a net there, save that for the big ones.

    You hooked, him and got him out of the water so you caught him.

    If it was a friendly bet most will say you have to at least touch the fish.

    Now go catch forth and catch more

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