Tiny eats more than her fair share and always gets a big ass stomach because of it. Now she's stuck I'm this hole. I've tried gently pushing her back and then gently pushing her forward but there's no give.

The decor is plastic fake wood. I'm not confident I can cut her out of there without hurting her but will if that's my only option. What can I do guys?

Posted by CanadasNeighbor


  1. Professional_Drive_5 on

    If you take it out of water it will thrash which could get it loose but the rock could be hurting its respiration

  2. I would separate her so she can’t get attacked and wait. 1-2 good poops and no food should do the trick after 1 or two days I guess.

    Safer than trying to get her out.

  3. Ok_Strike_3243 on

    Tina got into this mess, Tina must get out of this mess.

    In all seriousness – I think starve her for a few days and let her de-bloat. See if she’s any slimmer and try again.. failing that cut her out.

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