So I have a group of six corys in my tank that absolutely love their sinking food that I give them, the problem is so does my betta.

I’ve tried to feed them at the same time, feed her a more quality food to see if she’ll give them some peace (she does not), and so far now her strategy is to gobble her food then go to take theirs.

My betta is not violent and has never attacked or nipped the other fish, but I’m worried one of the Cory’s barbels might cause her fins some accidental harm the way she shoves through to take their food—or she’ll become obese fish from all the food she’s trying to snag

Here’s a live action video of her in action to commit her crimes (she was unsuccessful today)

Posted by Aggravating-Tart2744


  1. JackOfAllTradesKinda on

    I have a similar problem with my large community tank, all the top and middle swimmers hog all the food before any can make it to the bottom.

    I have been using sinking bottom feeder pellets; one pellet every other day will happily attract and feed my mob of bottom feeders. 10 minutes in and I have a dog pile of 6 Corys, 6 Otos, 2 Royal Farlowellas, Cherry shrimp and snails.

    So maybe sinking food a little too big for the Betta to run off with?

    I don’t see barbells on a Corey hurting a Betta, they are soft and pliable. They aren’t spikes afaik.

  2. moomooshark on

    I drop flakes in the same time I’m dropping the sinking pellets in the only fish that have seemed to figure it out are the guppies but it’s only after the flakes are gone by then all the corys and shrimp got to most of it

  3. seemokaynotokay on

    Your cory’s and your betta are fine! Let them fight for it! Betta’s can be pigs – just feed less often if concerned about overeating. Barbels are soft – no need to worry!

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