Guy messaged me earlier today asking for help with his barb, I offered help. Instead of trying to help his fish he decided it better to let it die and just get new ones. People like this have no place here in this hobby or in any hobby that includes keeping live animals.

I see a lot of posts on this sub and many others of people who are either asking for advice or simply receiving it from experienced keepers just completely ignore it and think they know better, it truly amazes me how ignorant you can be with the life of a living being in your hands. I get this hobby can be frustrating and time consuming but that’s part of it and that’s part of life. Grown adults acting like children because they don’t want to do some work.

Posted by grilledbruh


  1. Average_cory_keeper on

    when i was a kid i had harlequin rasboras and on got a fungal infection after getting caught in the filter, I knew how to treat it but my parents didnt believe me and just said that i could get another one if it died. I did put a guard on the filter right after the incident

  2. I worked in a pet store and this mentality is way too common. A woman came in because her tree frog had an infection. We were a chain store and she did not even buy the frog from us. I told her that she needed to go to an exotic vet and get prescription medicine. She said she could not afford it and asked if any of our fish medicine would help. People think that just because an animal is inexpensive it’s life is less valuable. When getting any animal, it is your responsibility to be able to afford medical care, whether is be a visit to a vet’s office or ick treatment. People suck. Good on you for trying and try not to get discouraged. Every person that takes your advice is worth 20 that refuse to listen.

  3. NaughtyGrimles on

    Pffft good luck to that person, the whole tank is probably infected now. But they probably will expect everything to be perfectly fine once that one fish is gone.

    Nooooot how that works in this hobby, hahaha.

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