my betta has been like this for over a week now and he’ll lay on the bottom of the tank and won’t move or react to anything, and if I gently try and touch him or move a net near him he’ll start swimming in fast jolts for a small moment till he lays in a tiny wedge again. He has no symptoms for any common illnesses like swim bladder or itch or a fungal infection so I’m so lost. I’ve moved him to a 2 gal tank I had with just a heater that I sometimes keep snails in and he does better there and a little more active then he goes back to this way so i eventually bring him to his main six gal tank. I really am at a loss like I seriously cannot pinpoint what this is and the water quality is all showing up normal, it’s just my ph that’s a little high but on my other post everyone said that was fine. I rly need help

Posted by Rare_Interaction903

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